About me.

My name is Nicola and I trained as an advanced holistic therapist 20 years ago and I am guided by holistic principles, which gives me a wonderful framework when working with hundreds of women supporting them to grow and have the life they want to live.

We all have the right to have a happy and healthy life but sometimes changes need to be made to allow this to happen, and we may need a little help to see if for ourselves and really find out who we truly are.

I trained as a Clinical Hypnotherapist after having hypnotherapy myself and understanding what a powerful tool this is. Hypnotherapy gets to the root of the problem whilst you are feeling very relaxed and helps you to overcome fears phobias, challenges and move you forward to become the person you really want to be.

I help people to feel deeply relaxed and in control, build their confidence, self-esteem, motivation, set objectives and give them clarity and perspective in their lives. I specialise in stress and anxiety, and I am passionate to support you individually to increase your choices and have tailor-made treatments and packages to ease your journey and enhance your life experiences.

In addition to this I am a qualified Energy Alignment Method (EAM mentor which is a powerful, internationally recognised complimentary therapy. The Energy Alignment Method (EAM) unlocked everything that was standing in my way and enabled me to transform my challenging emotions, negative beliefs, and repetitive patterns and to finally let go of old wounds. The transformation was powerful, deep, and comprehensive and I can easily work with you to achieve this too.

Together I use a combination of all these powerful healing modalities to help you create shifts in your energy, bringing about positive changes in your life and create conscious aligned connections so you can reach your highest potential.

For more information please don’t hestitate to contact me for a coffee and chat.
