Reiki Therapy

Reiki, pronounced ‘ray-key’, is a Japanese therapy technique that can help with your mental, physical, and emotional wellbeing and healing.

It is based on the idea that an unseen ‘life force energy’ flows through us, if our ‘life force energy’ is low then we re more likely to become ill or feel stressed, if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.

Reiki is a natural method of healing, and it works by channeling the life force energy through the hands of the reiki therapist into the recipients energy field. As the energy flows into the energy field it activates the natural healing processes within the mind, body and spirit.

Reiki promotes healing in the mind, body and spirit.

In the mind, reiki releases stress, worry, and tension.

In the body, reiki can help to relieve pain and discomfort, it can also lower blood pressure and help to clear toxins from the body as well as support the immune system.

In the spirit, reiki healing releases stress and tension and a deep feeling of spiritual harmony takes its place.

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