What is Hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy utilises hypnotic techniques and relaxation therapy together to make the perfect environment for positive changes to occur. The therapy helps you to focus on the issue or thought you have in this relaxed state, and change it to a more positive one.

When you are in this very relaxed state, it is a lot easier for changes in thought patterns to occur so we can help solve any underlying problems then.

The sessions are roughly 1 hour and the amount of sessions you need will require on your desired outcome from the therapy.

 Hypnotherapy can help with:

  • Depression, low self esteem, and confidence: hypnosis can help change these negative thought patterns and change them for the better.

  • Anxiety, stress, and panic attacks: hypnotherapy can relieve anxiety and stress and help cope with the symptoms that occur leading up to a panic attack.

  • Insomnia/sleep problems.

  • Smoking Cessation Hypnotherapy

    You've probably tried to quit many times but haven't been able to break the spell or free yourself from it yet. You know it's bad for your health and you are probably starting to feel some uncomfortable negative health symptoms. You're not sure if you can do this. The good news is that you don't have to do this alone! Let me Help you! The become a non-smoker package is designed to address the causes of smoking and find the new solutions that can help you make an easier and lasting transition. Feel less or no cravings so it becomes easier to say NO.

  • Fertility

    The pressure to be fertile is overwhelming for both men and women, perhaps you've been wanting to start a family for a while. I work with both parents preparing mind and body to give you the best possible chance for conception. Up to 4 sessions of hypnotherapy available depending on requirements.

  • Morning Sickness Reduction

    Clinical Hypnotherapy is a powerful tool when over-come morning sickness. Morning sickness is often nonstop feelings of nausea, low energy, dizziness and vomiting. Your body is brought back into balance with deeply relaxing Hypnotherapy I aim to reframe the effect smells and flavours have on you. This is also an empowering process. You gain the ability to feel in control, relaxed, have positive feelings of energy and get your cravings for healthy nutritious food back.

  • Hypnobirthing

    Self-hypnosis and deep relaxation are very effective tools. These powerful tools and skills can be learned in a group or one to one. They can be learned gradually in stages and practiced in between sessions. One to one sessions ensures that you have the time to develop the conditioned responses that make Hypnobirthing so successful. My one to one course runs over for 3 to 5 sessions and covers all of the Joy in Birthing Modules. This course also allows the time to explore your feelings, relax just you and your partner, resolve and release any anxieties that may arise. I like to work with you personally and to follow your progress so that I can ensure that you are fully ready, relaxed and confident as you approach the birth of your baby. Parents, midwives, and doctors are constantly amazed by the wonderful births experienced through Hypnobirthing and with Joy in Birthing one to one sessions you will be fully prepared for your beautiful birth.

  • Calm Birth Preparation

    Perhaps you have left it a little too late to attend a hypnobirthing course or maybe you have done hypnobirthing before and just require a refresher, or you feel confident a personalised session will be perfect for you. Prepare for a calm birth is a wonderful session and also make a great gift for any mum to be. How much time have you spent focusing on your pregnancy and the birth of your baby? Perhaps you are thinking, “Well birth has to happen, I’ll try not to think about it and hope for the best when the time comes”? Reality check… You are bringing a new life into the world! These are the most important days of your life and your baby deserves a safe and positive development & welcome into the world! Preparing mentally and physically is essential for a good pregnancy and childbirth. Take some time out to think about how you can best nurture your baby, how to get yourself ready for childbirth. Where will you feel comfortable and cared for? The calm birth preparation session is tailored to your particular needs. Pregnancy and of course birth is a very special time and one to be enjoyed and celebrated. You may wish to meet online for a couple of hours during which you learn breathing techniques, release your fears (conscious or subconscious) through deep relaxation. I am happy to show you some points on your feet which can help kick start birthing (if you are post due date) and keep it flowing. Perhaps you’d like to chat about the birth process and enjoy a visualisation of this in order to encourage a positive and confident mindset. Whatever you require if your time is limited we’ll chat in our consultation to assess your needs and requirements and I can tailor make this package to best suit you.

  • Pain Management.

    Eliminate or manage pain hypnosis. Interventions consistently produce significant decreases in pain associated with a variety of chronic-pain problems. Also, hypnosis was generally found to be more effective than non-hypnotic interventions such as attention, physical therapy, and education. Most of the hypnosis interventions for chronic pain will include instructions in self-hypnosis. The number of sessions you'll need will depend on your individual circumstances, however, hypnosis for pain is usually delivered between 1 and 4 sessions. I will make recordings for you to use at home so you can continue to employ hypnosis techniques.

  • Overcome Addiction

    Hypnotherapy is incredibly useful during the post-withdrawal phase of addiction. The hardest part of recovery is learning to live without the object of your addiction. Hypnotherapy can be used to reinforce positive changes to break the addictions. Hypnotherapy can also help an individual to learn new behavioural responses to live a full and happy life without the addiction.

  • Be Free of Fears

    Even if you haven't been able to overcome it yet, there is a way to reprogram your mind to respond differently so you can be more cool calm and confident in that very same situation. And this is where I can help! In order to help you overcome this fear or phobia, I've created a package that provides the best services I can deliver. The "Be free package" is designed to help you:​Address and overcome the past issues at the origin of the fear that creates an anticipation of future similar situations. Retrain your brain to respond in a more relaxed and confident way so that you can function at your best. Create a resourceful state that you can have access to on demand so you can feel more in control. Change the way you see yourself. From a fearful person to a Powerful Being. Feel the joy of being free from that burden. Envision the positive impa

I am registered with the Complementary medicine association for Hypnotherapy


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